

Large-scale projection on urban surfaces - this is our creative-company's field of activity. We conceive and produce custom-made media installations using high artistic standards and stylistic devices, a spacious architectural background and a consistently professional completion; in doing so, creating uniquely outstanding impressions.
Since 2004 we have been working on media concepts for the public sphere within a dynamic and diverse network of artists, architects and technical experts. Founded in 2008, the creative-company URBANSCREEN develops these concepts and transfers them into a dialog between art and urban communication.

JUMP media facade urban screening from urbanscreen on Vimeo.

Felice Varini

I tried to analyze how illusion affect space composition. Felice Varini is a great sample. All his works are using exist buildings or surrounding to draw geometry image. When you leave that specific point of view, those fragment shapes become meanless decorations in space. In my project, i try to create a playground within this anamorphic idea. Every elements arranged in ramdom in this space but seeing at specific angle you can see a cube like this community architecture basic structure shape.

Scott Kim

About this talk

At the 2008 EG conference, famed puzzle designer Scott Kim takes us inside the puzzle-maker's frame of mind. Sampling his career's work, he introduces a few of the most popular types, and shares the fascinations that inspired some of his best.

About Scott Kim

Scott Kim designs puzzles in the spirit of MC Escher's art and Tetris -- visually stimulating, thought provoking and suffused with broad appeal


OUTSIDE THE BOX by Aakash Nihalani

FatBlooded - Following Aakash Nihalani from William Zoe FitzGerald on Vimeo

Like a renegade Sol Lewitt, Aakash Nihilani's street art can best be described as a series of non-destructive interventions. Using his signature brightly coloured tape Aakash highlights mundane street aspects with day-glo cubes. Unlike more clandestine street art activities he has no problem carrying out his work in broad daylight around New York City. The pieces themselves create fantastic asides to the normal urban furniture, perhaps highlighting aspect you'd never notice or relationships you take for granted.


Park Belleville : Base

A large part of the story of urbanism is based on the expression "view over the park", allowing the development of new districts associated with urban parks or public garden, spaces of representation open on the city. Nowadays some of these parks deserve to be redesigned, while others are being created through new or urban renewal programs, all of them being adapted to the new contemporary customs in permanent changes. The idea of natural background stands out here as it integrates the entirety of what makes the living world (weather, geography, plants and humans altogether) in a sensitive way in order to introduce lush and progressive spaces. The programmatic dimension plays an important role too. These natural spaces that can stay for a major part undetermined (lawns, afforestations), deserve most of the time some specific and contemporary proposals such as meeting, game or sports amenities catering to a larger audience. They entitle the urban parks as a public and shared space and open the way to what would look just like a landscape.
- it's on a hill that gives amazing views over Paris,
- lots of leafy alleys, great for strolling,
- ramps everywhere, making it completely wheelchair-friendly,
- loads of fountains and water, refreshing in summer,
- great flower beds and plenty of grass to lie around on
most children's play areas are about maximum security for out little cherubs, this one is based on judging risk. It's set on a 30° slope with different areas for different ages. Children can clearly see what they are getting into before trying an area, teaching them to anticipate problems and know their limits, rather than nannying them with a completely flat soulless plain of rubberised safety.

Aldo Van Eyck the Playgrounds and the city

"Whatever space and time mean, place and occasion mean more.”

The series of before and after photos show a sad bombed-out city coming back to life...recuscitation by playground. Architect Aldo van Eyck (1918-1999) became world-famous for his design of the Municipal Orphanage in Amsterdam. The roughly 730 playgrounds that the designed for the city between 1947 and 1978 have been rather forgotten, but are at least as important and interesting a part of his oeuvre. They illustrate his vision on the use of the city, in which unsightly oddments of urban space were transformed into usable and architecturally interesting playgrounds, including the integration of existing elements such as walls and window patterns.
Playground is a place which can cohere people and improve human association.


Antony Gormley: Breathing Room III

To see it, the viewer must walk into a darkened corridor with tight-angled corners that block out the light; after a cautious approach the corridor opens out into what feels like a large, dark room, completely pitch-dark apart from long, glow-in-the-dark forms that become more apparent as your eyes adjust to the light. Gradually, whilst neatly dodging other strangers engaged in the same task, five overlapping rectangles become clear. It looks like an exploded diagram; three-dimensional people are in an exploded two-dimensional diagram.

Strangers start back from each other, having accidentally orbited closer than usual. Fifteen long minutes of light follow, to recharge the glowing lines of our rectangles before we are again plunged into the comforting darkness to witness the lines emerging slowly, evolving into their brilliant state.