This work was done in Bocchignano, Italy, a village close to Rome, as part of the group project "20 Eventi". The group of artists developed projects for 4 villages of the Sabina region and decided to create a compilation of drawings, for collectors to purchase, and to support this project.
"What happens when a young artist from the city of Berlin is invited to participate in a project taking place in a pittoresque Italian of the Sabina region?" - Jan Vormann
At Kupfergraben/Dorotheenstra, Berlin, many peoplem tourists, passerby...stopped and joined in, and help them dispatch the holes from WW2.
Now this project already run 10 different cities. Depand on society and location tou can see different behaviour and action. It is quite fun for me. Those plastic colourful Lego brick, between old stones, seems to work into this dust-covered grey patina of diverse construction material, adds the modern touch of colourful design while distracting from and intriguing the serious life securing function of these walls.
Maybe i can use this concept, pile up small units, to create a series of secret brick space in my site.
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